About the Gordon Setter Club of America
The Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc. is a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the “Beauty, Brains & Bird Sense” in Gordon Setters. The club was organized in 1924 and currently has about 800 members. Most of our membership is concentrated in the United States, but we also have members from 15 to 20 countries worldwide. The GSCA’s certificate of incorporation was issued by the state of New York on January 14, 1965.

 Membership is open to anyone who is interested in Gordon Setters, and members receive a newsletter 8 times a year, Gordon Setter News. Our members subscribe to a Code of Ethics. The club serves as an umbrella organization for a number of regional groups (both independent clubs and area committees) who organize and put on events for Gordons, including specialty shows (conformation events), obedience trials, hunting tests, field trials and other special programs. There are more than 22 affiliated clubs and area committees in the United States.

 Fortunately, the relative rarity of Gordon Setters has not made an organized Rescue program a pressing need until recent years. Gordon Setter lovers rescued the occasional Gordon from a shelter on a private basis for many years, but, by the late 1980’s, it was clear that, additional active work was necessary. Thus, GSCA established a National Rescue program in 1991.

Our first National Specialty was held in 1983 in Springfield, Ohio and has become a popular yearly event. It is held in different locations each year. This event generally attracts Gordons from all over the USA and foreign countries.

We held our first National Field Trial in 1993 in Ohio, with an AKC approved Gordon Setter National Field Championship beginning in 1995. The event draws about 100 Gordons each year and is considered the premier field competition for our breed.

 Our Health & Genetics Committee gathers and disseminates information about Gordon Setter health issues, balancing a need for informing our membership and others interested in Gordons about potential health problems, and encouraging management for sound, healthy dogs.

  We offer a breeder referral service for individuals interested in finding a Gordon Setter puppy or adult dog. If you chose to e-mail our puppy referral service, be sure to include your snail-mail information in your communication.

  For membership information, contact the Membership Chair:

Dr. Gail Paludi email

 In 2012, the GSCA created a Facebook presence, and in addition to the club’s primary page. There is a primary GSCA page for informaiton and a discussions page that is available for those with questions about the breed and for affiliated clubs to share their information.


 Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc.